If the product has done any of the following, you should seek legal counsel:

  • An injury was caused by a product.
  • The responsible product was somehow defective.
  • The defect created an unreasonable danger.

For example, if your child was injured from a new toy, your child may be the victim of a defective product. You may have suffered personal injuries through a faulty hair dryer that caused electric shock, or a fire was caused because of chemicals leaking from defective night lights.

There are many instances where a product was defective and caused bodily injury or property damage. It is important to remember that if you have been injured by a product do not try to fix or repair the product, and leave it in the condition that it is when it caused injury or damage.

Consult A Product Defect Liability Attorney

Product liability cases are often complex and require a great deal of supporting evidence and documentation. You have a time frame of two years from the time of discovery of the injury to file a claim. For example, if you became ill because of exposure to a toxic substance, you have two years from the day you discovered the source of the illness.

It is important to discuss your case with a product defect liability attorney who has extensive product liability litigation experience. A PI attorney for instance will have a record of successful litigation against manufacturers whose products have caused harm.

Make sure that you research attorneys and find out what their track record is in pursuing damages for defective products. Manufacturers will want to put the liability back on the consumer and you want an experienced attorney who will hold the manufacturer of the product accountable.

Products are manufactured all over the world in this age of the global economy. While most goods sold are perfectly safe, unforeseen accidents do happen. If this happens to you don’t hesitate to speak to a personal injury attorney.

Product liability generally falls under state law. That is why if you live in Las Vegas, Nevada, consult with a Las Vegas based attorney who can speak with you about your case. There is no cost to you to speak to an attorney who understands product liability laws and has a proven track record successfully representing victims who have been injured by defective products.

G. Dallas Horton and Associates are experienced in product liability cases. Call us today for your no cost evaluation.