Due to their substantial size and weight, truck accidents often result in more severe outcomes than passenger vehicle collisions. The sheer size of trucks grants them more significant momentum, leading to extensive damage upon impact and the potential for catastrophic injuries or fatalities. This risk extends not only to the occupants of smaller vehicles but also to truck drivers and their passengers.

The weight and size of trucks contribute to higher fatality rates in accidents involving them, surpassing those of accidents solely involving passenger cars. The vulnerability of other road users further compounds the severity of these accidents, compounded by the challenges associated with maneuvering large trucks.

In the unfortunate event of a truck accident, it is crucial to comprehend your entitlements and the available avenues for pursuing compensation. While it is valid that some truck drivers and companies could neglect regulations, not all truck accidents stem from negligence or violations. Nonetheless, taking appropriate action is in your best interest if you suspect that negligence or regulatory breaches played a role in the accident.

If you believe you possess a valid claim, enlisting the assistance of a personal injury attorney can facilitate the filing of a compensation claim against the liable parties. Such a claim can include various damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other associated costs arising from the accident. At the Las Vegas attorneys at Dallas Horton & Associates, we are ready to assist.

Potential Defendants in Truck Accidents

Truck accidents place a substantial share of blame on truck drivers and trucking companies due to their unique responsibilities and risks in operating large commercial vehicles. That is why they are subject to heightened rules and regulations that distinguish them from conventional cars. However, truck accidents can involve shared responsibility among multiple parties. While truck drivers and trucking companies often bear primary fault, there are instances where other individuals or entities contribute to these accidents.

Among these parties are other motorists who played a role in the accident through their actions or negligence. Additionally, manufacturers of trucks and their components can be held accountable if mechanical failures or defects contribute to the collision.

Government agencies also share responsibility if hazardous road conditions or inadequate infrastructure contribute to the accident. Furthermore, the entities responsible for loading and securing cargo onto trucks, known as shippers and loaders, can also be implicated if improper practices contributed to the occurrence of the accident.

Recognizing the potential for shared responsibility underscores the importance of conducting comprehensive investigations into truck accidents. A clearer understanding of the factors contributing to the accident can be achieved by considering the actions and potential liabilities of the parties involved.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

The defendant’s actions or inactions could lead to accidents involving trucks. These actions or inactions are the causes of truck accidents in Las Vegas and form the basis of a personal injury lawsuit against them. Here is a look at each cause:

  • Driver Fatigue

The threat of driver fatigue looms large over road safety, particularly for truck drivers grappling with demanding schedules and extensive hours on the road. Regulatory bodies have implemented Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, outlining the maximum consecutive hours a truck driver can operate while mandating essential rest periods between shifts. These regulations aim to prevent accidents by guaranteeing drivers sufficient rest and limiting their driving hours. Additionally, disrupted sleep patterns from resting in truck cabins or unfamiliar environments induce fatigue.

The impact of fatigue on a driver's capabilities is profound. It compromises alertness, causes delayed reaction time, and impairs decision-making and judgment. Consequently, drivers experience sluggish responses to hazards, reduced situational awareness, and an elevated likelihood of committing errors while driving.

Severe fatigue can precipitate microsleep episodes when drivers unintentionally fall asleep for a few seconds. These episodes pose a significant hazard, capable of manifesting even at high speeds and potentially causing loss of control and accidents.

Fatigue-related truck accidents are notably severe due to trucks' sheer size, weight, and momentum. When a tired truck driver fails to respond or loses control, the repercussions can be catastrophic, culminating in high-speed collisions, rollovers, or multi-vehicle accidents.

  • Intoxication or Impaired Driving

Intoxication or impaired driving is a grave concern and ranks among the primary causes of truck accidents. When truck drivers operate their vehicles under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or certain medications, their capacity to drive safely is severely compromised, endangering not only their own lives but also the safety of other road users.

Driving under the influence can impair a driver's cognitive functions, coordination, reaction times, and decision-making abilities. In this state, drivers exhibit reduced awareness of their surroundings, impaired judgment, and difficulty maintaining control of the truck. Consequently, the risk of accidents escalates, and the ability to respond appropriately to unexpected situations on the road diminishes.

The repercussions of intoxication or impaired driving involving large commercial trucks can be catastrophic. Collisions can cause extensive damage, severe injuries, and even fatalities. The impact of a truck accident amplifies when the driver is impaired, as they become less inclined to execute evasive actions or apply the brakes effectively to avoid a collision.

Stringent regulations and laws against driving under the influence apply to all motorists, including truck drivers. In Las Vegas, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level for truck drivers is set at 0.04%. Random alcohol and drug testing is conducted, and trucking companies are responsible for ensuring their drivers comply with these regulations. Violations entail severe penalties, fines, license suspensions, or, in extreme cases, the loss of the truck driver's job. These legal outcomes do not stop you from pursuing a civil lawsuit against the driver and trucking company for the losses you suffered.

  • Distracted Driving

Distracted driving, a pressing concern, significantly contributes to many truck accidents. It arises when drivers divert their attention from driving to focus on other activities. Distractions include scrolling through social media, making phone calls, texting, or recording while driving. These activities divert a driver's attention from the road, elevating the risk of accidents.

Additionally, distractions arise from eating and drinking while driving, taking drivers' hands off the wheel, and shifting their focus away from the road. Adjusting the radio, GPS, or other electronic devices can lead to visual, manual, and cognitive distractions, compromising safe driving practices.

Conversations with passengers can also cause cognitive distractions, drawing the driver's attention from the road. Failing to stay mentally engaged while driving and daydreaming can lead to delayed responses to traffic conditions and potential hazards. Moreover, external distractions, like observing roadside events or billboards, can divert a driver's attention from the road.

Distracted driving significantly impairs a driver's ability to respond promptly to changing road conditions and emergencies, making accidents more likely.

  • Improper Loading or Cargo Issues

Improper loading or cargo issues present a substantial and concerning factor contributing to truck accidents, posing severe consequences for truck drivers and other road users. When cargo is not loaded correctly or securely, it creates hazardous conditions and the potential for accidents.

Various factors contribute to improper loading or cargo issues, including:

  1. Trucks exceeding their maximum capacity experience compromised stability, braking ability, and handling, making them susceptible to accidents.
  2. Unevenly distributed cargo can destabilize the truck, leading to rollovers or loss of control, especially during turns or sudden maneuvers.
  3. If cargo is inadequately secured with improper restraints or tie-downs, it could shift or fall off during transit, posing significant risks to other motorists.
  4. Poorly packed or stacked cargo will not withstand transportation forces, causing spills, flying debris, or even cargo ejections, endangering nearby vehicles.
  5. Transporting hazardous materials necessitates strict adherence to safety regulations. Non-compliance can result in chemical spills, fires, or explosions, posing severe environmental and public safety risks.

The implications of improper loading and cargo issues can be devastating. Trucks carrying unsecured or improperly balanced cargo become challenging to control, heightening the probability of collisions with other vehicles, pedestrians, or roadside structures.

  • Equipment Failure

Equipment failure is a critical factor contributing to truck accidents and poses significant risks to road safety. Should essential components of a truck or its systems malfunction or break down during operation, it can lead to dangerous situations and potential accidents.

Trucks can experience equipment failure due to various factors, including:

  1. Mechanical issues, including faulty or worn-out components like brakes, tires, steering systems, and transmission, can hamper the truck's ability to respond effectively to driving conditions.
  2. When inadequate attention is given to regular inspections and repairs, a lack of proper maintenance can result in the gradual deterioration of truck components, elevating the likelihood of failure.

Moreover, as trucks age, their components become more susceptible to wear and tear, increasing the risk of failure.

The consequences of equipment failure can be particularly severe, especially for large commercial trucks. Brake failures, for instance, can cause the truck to be unable to stop in time, leading to devastating collisions with other vehicles or obstacles. Tire blowouts can result in a loss of control and potentially cause rollover or jackknife accidents.

Trucks need regular maintenance and inspections. Trucking companies should adopt stringent schedules and fix identified issues promptly for optimal truck conditions. Neglect risks driver, passenger, and public safety and exposes the company, driver, and crew to liability in accidents related to poor maintenance.

  • Truck Manufacturing Defects

Truck manufacturing defects cause serious concern as they put lives at risk. These defects arise from oversights in truck design, production, or assembly. This, in turn, compromises these vehicles' functionality and safety features. Furthermore, using substandard or defective materials during manufacturing weakens vital components. This ultimately compromises the overall reliability and safety of the truck.

The assembly phase, too, proves to be a critical stage where errors can silently seep in. Incorrect installations or faulty connections could trigger catastrophic failures of essential truck components. This then magnifies the risks on the road. Moreover, lax quality control measures during production exacerbate the issue. They allow unnoticed defects to creep into the final product.

When critical systems such as brakes, steering, or engine components are compromised, there is an increased likelihood of an accident. These malfunctions leave drivers vulnerable to accidents, loss of control, and unfortunate collisions that could have otherwise been prevented. The failure of safety features like airbags and seat belts poses an alarming threat to the well-being of the truck's occupants.

To mitigate these risks, manufacturers must implement stringent quality control processes that efficiently detect and address defects throughout the production pipeline. Moreover, in cases where flaws are detected in trucks already on the road, prompt recalls and necessary repairs must be carried out to avoid potential disasters. Failure to do so or address flaws opens manufacturers to liability for negligence.

  • Poor Road Infrastructure

There are considerable risks and potential injuries associated with trucking accidents caused by poor road infrastructure. Road users face these risks due to hazardous conditions resulting from poorly maintained roads. These risks are particularly evident for truck drivers navigating these roadways.

Numerous factors contribute to the correlation between poor road infrastructure and trucking accidents. Among these factors are uneven road surfaces, potholes, and pavement cracks. All have the potential to compromise the stability and control of a truck. Thus, significantly increasing the chances of accidents, especially when traveling at higher speeds. Additionally, the absence or lack of clarity in road signs and markings can confuse truck drivers. This leads them to make incorrect turns, improper lane changes, or even violate traffic rules, resulting in collisions with other vehicles.

Moreover, roads featuring narrow lanes and sharp curves present significant challenges for large trucks. These challenges hinder maneuverability and heighten the risk of rollovers or lane departures. Insufficient lighting, particularly during nighttime or adverse weather conditions, further diminishes visibility for truck drivers. Thus, there is increased difficulty in identifying obstacles or hazards in their path.

Moreover, the lack of sufficient shoulder space on the sides of the road can leave little room for trucks to pull over safely in emergencies or breakdowns. This situation amplifies the risk of secondary accidents.

Inadequately marked road construction sites also cause harm to truck drivers and other motorists. The unclear markings and traffic management can lead to confusion and potential accidents.

Trucking accidents resulting from poor road infrastructure can have severe consequences. They cause property damage, injuries, and even fatalities. The impact of these accidents is particularly dire when large trucks are involved due to their size and weight.

  • Adverse Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions significantly contribute to trucking accidents. They pose substantial risks to road safety. Weather-related hazards, including rain, snow, ice, fog, strong winds, and storms, can create challenging driving conditions for truck drivers. This leads to accidents and potential injuries.

Adverse weather conditions can contribute to trucking accidents in several ways:

  1. Heavy rain, snow, fog, or dust storms can reduce visibility. This makes it difficult for truck drivers to see the road ahead, other vehicles, or potential hazards.
  2. Rain, snow, or ice-covered roads can result in slippery surfaces. Therefore, there is reduced tire traction and an increased likelihood of a truck skidding or losing control.
  3. During heavy rain, water could accumulate on the road surface. Thus, the trucks could hydroplane. Hydroplaning refers to a situation where tires lose contact with the road, thus causing a loss of control.
  4. Snow buildup on the road can hinder traction and maneuverability. This makes it challenging for trucks to stop or navigate safely.
  5. Strong gusts of wind can affect trucks' stability. This is particularly evident when driving on open highways or bridges.
  6. Adverse weather conditions can lengthen the distance required for a truck to come to a complete stop, Thus, it is more difficult to avoid collisions or rear-end accidents.

Trucking accidents caused by adverse weather conditions can have severe consequences. Collisions with other vehicles, rollovers, and jackknifes are common accidents in adverse weather.

Truck drivers must exercise extra caution and adjust their driving behavior accordingly. This helps mitigate the risks associated with adverse weather conditions. However, most drivers fail to act cautiously, thus causing crashes.

Trucking companies must also prioritize driver training for handling weather conditions and equip their trucks with appropriate tires and safety features to enhance performance in adverse weather.

Maintaining open communication between truck drivers and dispatchers during adverse weather events is vital. Dispatchers can provide up-to-date weather information and guidance on route planning to avoid the most hazardous areas.

Negligence in a Truck Accident

Negligence in a truck accident arises when one or more parties involved fail to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm or damages to others. Negligence in truck accidents includes various potential defendants, including the truck driver, trucking company, other motorists, and even third parties responsible for maintenance or cargo handling.

  1. Truck driver-related negligence — It involves distracted driving, speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, experiencing fatigue, or disregarding traffic laws. The negligence of the truck driver significantly elevates the risk of accidents.
  2. Trucking company negligence — Trucking companies should ensure their drivers receive adequate training, adhere to regulations, and comply with safety protocols. Company negligence can manifest through improper hiring practices, insufficient training, pressuring drivers to breach hours of service regulations, or neglecting proper truck maintenance.
  3. Third-party negligence — Negligence by third parties, like maintenance crews inspecting and repairing trucks or those responsible for loading and securing cargo, can lead to accidents if they fail to fulfill their duties adequately.
  4. Negligence of other motorists — Truck accidents can also result from the negligence of other drivers on the road. Instances like sudden lane changes, cutting off a truck, or engaging in reckless driving behavior near trucks can lead to accidents.

You must carefully establish four fundamental elements to prove negligence successfully:

  1. Demonstrate the existence of a duty of care that the party you are holding accountable owed to you. For instance, this could involve proving that the truck driver had an obligation to drive safely, obey traffic laws, and prioritize the safety of others. Similarly, you could show that the trucking company was responsible for ensuring their drivers received proper training and that their vehicles were well-maintained.
  2. Once the duty of care is established, the next step is to demonstrate that the party breached this duty. This could be exemplified by providing evidence that the truck driver was speeding, driving while fatigued, or engaging in other negligent behaviors, thus violating their duty of care.
  3. Causation is critical to proving negligence, requiring evidence to show that the breach of duty directly led to the accident and its ensuing damages. Thus, negligent action or inaction was the primary cause of the accident.
  4. Provide proof of actual damages or injuries incurred due to the accident. This includes a range of losses, for example, physical injuries, property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other tangible or intangible harm experienced due to the accident.

By meticulously addressing these four elements and presenting relevant evidence, you can build a robust case to prove negligence in a truck accident.

Nevada adopts a modified comparative negligence rule. This allows injured parties to seek compensation even if they share some fault. However, the amount they can recover diminishes based on their degree of fault.

The modified comparative negligence rule operates with a 50% threshold, meaning the injured party can only pursue damages if their fault is 50% or less. Once their fault exceeds 50%, they lose the right to claim compensation from other responsible parties.

Here is how the rule works:

  1. If you, the injured party, bear 0% fault, you are entitled to full compensation from the at-fault parties to cover their damages.
  2. You can recover damages if your fault percentage is 49% or lower. However, the awarded amount will be reduced proportionally to their share of the fault. For example, if you are 30% at fault and the total damages amount to $100,000, you can recover $70,000 ($100,000 - 30,000 (30% of the $100,000).
  3. However, if your fault is determined to be 50% or more, you are precluded from seeking compensation from other parties involved in the accident.

Determining fault in trucking accidents can be intricate. Insurance companies and the court consider multiple factors to apportion responsibility among the parties.

Contact a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

With the help of an experienced personal injury attorney, you can build a compelling case, negotiate with insurers, and maximize potential compensation following a trucking accident in Nevada. At Dallas Horton & Associates, we work to secure just compensation for all our Las Vegas clients in civil cases against negligent parties. Call us today at 702-820-5917, and let us review your case and help you seek justice.